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Top 10 Best Hacking Tools For 2017

Top 10 best hacking tools for security researchers – 2017 edition Every year we come out with a list of top hacking tools in the year gone past thanks to Concise and this year is not different. Technology and hacking, in particular, is a dynamic field with new innovations and tools being released almost every day. Last year’s list was loved by all our readers and we hope you like the best hacking tools of 2017 list as well. Every task requires a good set of tools more so with hacking because it is a high precision task. While there are tons of such tools and apps available on the Internet, a security researcher, pentester or a system admin, needs the precise set of tools and apps to find the hidden vulnerabilities. Like every year,  Concise Courses  conducted an online poll to determine top ten best hacking tools came out with a winner list based on the poll. Top 10 best hacking tools for 2017 1.   Nmap (Network Mapper) | Free Abbreviated as Nmap, the Network Mapper

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